3.2 Compile / Install

3.2.1 Install the binary pakage

After downloading the pakage, open a shell and become root. Then type in the following command:

# dpkg -i sportwatcher_X.X-x.i386.deb


# dpkg -i sportwatcher_X.X-x.amd64.deb


# dpkg -i sportwatcher_X.X-x_ubuntu_i386.deb


# rpm -ivh sportwatcher-X.X-x.i586.rpm

Where X.X-x represents the version and may look like 0.6-1, or the like.
After successfull installation you can use the program immediately.

3.2.2 Compile and install

After downloading the source, and after it was uncompressed into a directory, change to this new directory. On a command line, type the following command:

$ mkdir build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local

This script checks now for all necessary components. In case something is missing, the script stops and displays an error message. Common reason for errors is, that something is not installed. In most cases, this is the developer version of a package. With Debian, the name of the developer packages ends with dev.
With the following command, you start the compiler:

$ make

In case it stops and display an error message, it is mostly because something is not installed, or there is a wrong version installed. Check out what version Debian Lenny supports, and install it.


To install SportWatcher for all users on your system, you need root priviledges. Otherwise you can install the program into your home directory too.
With SportWatcher you got a file called INSTALL. It contains a detailed description of how to install the program. If you've troubles installing SportWatcher, read this file first!

To install SportWatcher for all users on your system, become root and type in the following command:

# make install

After successfull installation of the program, you can start it with the command sportwatcher directly from the command line, or you can open the menu "Utilities−−>Sportwatcher" and start it from there (this is for KDE only!).

3.1.1 Necessary components 3.3 Settings for Linux

© 2006 − 2011 by Andreas Theofilu (theosys)