SportWatcher is a KDE program, who reads data out of a Garmin GPS-device. SportWatcher shows the data graphically. It can export the data into several formats. This allows other software to import the data.


SportWatcher is able to

  • read data over USB from a Garmin GPS device
  • displays laps as a table
  • show a track as a 2D graphic
  • optional load a map or satellite image and show it underneath the track
  • show elevation, speed and heart rate together in a graphic
  • export heart rate data into a Polar compatible HRM file
  • export everything about an activity into a Garmin compatible TCX file
  • can export tracks as GPX and OSM files. This allows to add tracks to a map like openstreetmap.
  • import TCX-files
  • units can be set to metric or U.S. statute



SportWatcher was developed under Linux and needs KDE4. This gives the program a modern dialog, makes it easy to deal with the program.

SportWatcher is open source! You can download the source from Sourceforge, or from this machine. Download is possible by Subversion too. Use one of the following commands to get the source:

# svn checkout
# svn checkout svn://

You can see the Repository also with your browser and download the files this way.

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© 2006 − 2011 by Andreas Theofilu (theosys)