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 *   Copyright (C) 2007 by Andreas Theofilu                               *
 *                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License.                *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

#include "managefile.h"
#include "sportwatcherwidget.h"
#include "settingswidget.h"
 #include <iostream.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>

sportwatcherWidget::sportwatcherWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl)
: sportwatcherWidgetBase(parent,name,fl)
        mama = parent;
        gmn = 0;
        min_hr = max_hr = avg_hr = 0;
        min_height = max_height = 0.0;
        max_time = 0;
        index = 0;
        // Load the config parameters
        KSimpleConfig *cfg = new KSimpleConfig(QString("sportwatcher.rc"), true);
        lower1 = cfg->readNumEntry("lower1");
        lower2 = cfg->readNumEntry("lower2");
        lower3 = cfg->readNumEntry("lower3");
        upper1 = cfg->readNumEntry("upper1");
        upper2 = cfg->readNumEntry("upper2");
        upper3 = cfg->readNumEntry("upper3");
        MaxHr = cfg->readNumEntry("maxHr");
        restHr = cfg->readNumEntry("restHr");
        vo2max = cfg->readNumEntry("vo2max");
        weight = cfg->readNumEntry("weight");
        sampleTime = cfg->readNumEntry("seconds");
        Device = cfg->readEntry("Device", "/dev/ttyUSB0");
        Data = cfg->readEntry("Data");
        HRM = cfg->readEntry("HRM");
        delete cfg;
        // Fill the activities

        if (gmn)
           garmin_free_data (gmn);

        if (index)
        INDEX *n, *akt = index;

           while (akt)
              n = akt;
              akt = akt->next;
              delete n;

 * Search for a directory named .sportwatcher in the home directory of
 * the user and search for *.gmn files. Open the files and read the header
 * to find the basic data of activities. Then add the information into
 * the activities KListView.
void sportwatcherWidget::getActivities()
QString path, txt;
QDir mdir, dir = QDir::home();
QFileInfo *entries;
QStringList years, months;
QListViewItem *running, *biking, *other;
QListViewItem *el;
int anz;
LAP *lap;

        if (Data.isEmpty())
           path = dir.path();
           path = Data;


        if (!dir.exists())

        other = new QListViewItem(liActivities, i18n("Others"));
        biking = new QListViewItem(liActivities, i18n("Biking"));
        running = new QListViewItem(liActivities, i18n("Running"));
        dir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks);
        const QFileInfoList *list = dir.entryInfoList();

        if (!list)

        QFileInfoListIterator it(*list);

        while ((entries = it.current()) != 0)           // Years
           if (entries->fileName() == QString(".") || entries->fileName() == QString(".."))

           years += entries->absFilePath();

        for (QStringList::Iterator strit = years.begin(); strit != years.end(); ++strit)
           if (months.count() > 0)

           list = dir.entryInfoList();
           list = dir.entryInfoList();

           if (!list)

           it = QFileInfoListIterator (*list);

           while ((entries = it.current()) != 0)        // Months
              if (entries->fileName() == QString(".") || entries->fileName() == QString(".."))

              months += entries->absFilePath();

           for (QStringList::Iterator strit1 = months.begin(); strit1 != months.end(); ++strit1)
              mdir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks);
              list = mdir.entryInfoList();

              if (!list)

              it = QFileInfoListIterator (*list);
              anz = 0;

              while ((entries = it.current()) != 0)             // Files
                 files += entries->absFilePath();

        INDEX *akt, *n;
        // Open every file and read its head
        for (QStringList::Iterator strfl = files.begin(); strfl != files.end(); ++strfl)

           if (spw.setFileName(*strfl) == -1)

           if (gmn)
              garmin_free_data (gmn);

           gmn = spw.readFile();
           rn = ds.getRunNode();

           lap = ds.getLap(rn->run->first_lap_index);
           const QDateTime *qt = garmin_dtime (lap->start_time);
           QString idx = qt->toString("dd.MM.yyyy");

           if (!index)
              index = new INDEX;
              index->path = *strfl;
              index->activ = idx;
              index->next = 0;
              n = new INDEX;
              n->path = *strfl;
              n->activ = idx;
              n->next = 0;
              akt = index;

              while (akt->next)
                 akt = akt->next;

              akt->next = n;

           switch (rn->run->sport_type)
              case D1000_running:
                 el = new QListViewItem(running, idx);

              case D1000_biking:
                 el = new QListViewItem(biking, idx);

              case D1000_other:
                 el = new QListViewItem(other, idx);

                 el = new QListViewItem(other, idx);

           delete qt;


        if (gmn)
           garmin_free_data (gmn);

        gmn = 0;

void sportwatcherWidget::btFullscreenSlot()

void sportwatcherWidget::btGlasMinusSlot()

void sportwatcherWidget::btGlasPlusSlot()

void sportwatcherWidget::btHandSlot()

void sportwatcherWidget::btGlasSlot()

void sportwatcherWidget::btFlagSlot()

void sportwatcherWidget::liLapsSlot(QListViewItem */* item */)

void sportwatcherWidget::liActivitiesSlot(QListViewItem *item)
INDEX *akt;

        if (!item)

        akt = index;

        while (akt)
           if (akt->activ == item->text(0))

              if (spw.setFileName(akt->path.ascii()) == -1)

              if (gmn)
                 garmin_free_data (gmn);

              gmn = spw.readFile();

           akt = akt->next;

void sportwatcherWidget::helpAbout()

void sportwatcherWidget::helpContents()

void sportwatcherWidget::helpIndex()

void sportwatcherWidget::fileExit()
        if (mama)

void sportwatcherWidget::filePrint()

void sportwatcherWidget::fileSaveAs()

void sportwatcherWidget::fileSave()

void sportwatcherWidget::fileOpen()
QString fname = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(Data, QString("*.gmn"), this, QString("SportWatcher"));

        if (fname.isEmpty())


        if (spw.setFileName(fname.ascii()) == -1)

        if (gmn)
           garmin_free_data (gmn);

        gmn = spw.readFile();

void sportwatcherWidget::fileNew()

 * This function is called, when the user clicks at the menu point
 * "Save Heart Rate".
 * First, a file dialog box is displayed, where the user can choose a
 * directory and a file name to save the heart rate.
 * If the file could successfully be created, the heart rate is saved
 * in the "HRM"-format. This is the native format polar uses to store
 * heart rate data. I've choosen this format, because it's popular and
 * used by many other software too.
void sportwatcherWidget::extrasSaveHR()
QString fname, str1, str2;
QFile fdfile;
QDateTime *qt, *oldqt;
QDate dat;
QTime t;
QDir dir = QDir::home();
char hv0[256];
LAP *lap, *alap;
POINT *point;
int samples, smp, seconds, anz, nsec, samsec;
int avgHeart, minHeart, maxHeart, aktHeart;
int secRange1, secRange2, secRange3, secAbove, secBeyond;

        if (!gmn)
           KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("There is no activity open"));

        if (HRM.isEmpty())
           str1 = dir.path();
           str1 = HRM;

        str1 +=  "/" + StartTime.toString("yyyyMMddThhmmss.zzz.hrm");
        fname = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(str1, QString("*.hrm"), this, QString("SportWatcher"));

        if (fname.isEmpty())


        if (fdfile.exists())
           if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Do you really want to overwrite this file?")) == KMessageBox::No)

        if (! | IO_Truncate))
           KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error creating a file!\nPlease check permissions."));

        rn = ds.getRunNode();
        lap = ds.getLap(rn->run->first_lap_index);
        t = StartTime.time();
        dat =;

        if ((point = ds.getPoint(lap->start_time)) == 0)

        strcpy (hv0, "[Params]\n");
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        str1 = dat.toString("yyyyMMdd");
        str2 = t.toString("hh:mm:ss.z");
        sprintf(hv0, "Version=106\nMonitor=11\nSMode=000000000\nDate=%s\nStartTime=%s\n",
                str1.ascii(), str2.ascii());
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        t.setHMS(0, 0, 0);
        t = t.addSecs(max_time);
        str2 = t.toString("hh:mm:ss.z");

        switch (sampleTime)
           case 0: samsec = 5; break;
           case 1: samsec = 15; break;
           case 2: samsec = 30; break;
           case 3: samsec = 60; break;
              samsec = 15;

        sprintf(hv0, "Length=%s\nInterval=%d\nUpper1=%d\nLower1=%d\nUpper2=%d\n",
           str2.ascii(), samsec, upper1, lower1, upper2);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        sprintf(hv0, "Lower2=%d\nUpper3=%d\nLower3=%d\nTimer1=00:00:00.0\n",
                lower2, upper3, lower3);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        strcpy(hv0, "Timer2=00:00:00.0\nTimer3=00:00:00.0\nActiveLimit=0\n");
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        sprintf(hv0, "MaxHR=%d\nRestHR=%d\nStartDelay=0\nVO2max=%d\nWeight=%d\n\n",
                MaxHr, restHr, vo2max, weight);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

        // Write the intervall times. One block for every lap
        secRange1 = secRange2 = secRange3 = secAbove = secBeyond = 0;
        strcpy(hv0, "[IntTimes]\n");
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        t.setHMS(0, 0, 0);

        for (unsigned int i = rn->run->first_lap_index; i < rn->run->last_lap_index; i++)
           alap = ds.getLap(i);
           point = ds.getPoint(alap->start_time);
           oldqt = garmin_dtime(point->time);
           avgHeart = minHeart = maxHeart = aktHeart = 0;
           anz = 0;
           unsigned long lastTime = point->time;
           int totSec = 0;

           while (point)
              if (point->time > (alap->start_time + (alap->total_time / 100)))

              if (point->heart_rate > 0)
                 avgHeart += point->heart_rate;
                 nsec = point->time - lastTime;
                 totSec += nsec;

                 if (minHeart == 0 || minHeart > point->heart_rate)
                    minHeart = point->heart_rate;

                 if (maxHeart < point->heart_rate)
                    maxHeart = point->heart_rate;

                 if (aktHeart == 0 && totSec >= samsec)
                    aktHeart = avgHeart / (anz + 1);

                 if (point->heart_rate < lower1)
                    secBeyond += nsec;
                 else if (point->heart_rate < lower2)
                    secRange1 += nsec;
                 else if (point->heart_rate < lower3)
                    secRange2 += nsec;
                 else if (point->heart_rate < upper3)
                    secRange3 += nsec;
                    secAbove += nsec;

                 lastTime = point->time;

              point = ds.getPoint(point->time+1);

           t = t.addSecs(alap->total_time / 100);
           str1 = t.toString("hh:mm:ss.z");
           sprintf(hv0, "%s\t %d\t %d\t %d\t %d\n",
              str1.ascii(), aktHeart, minHeart, avgHeart / anz, maxHeart);
           write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
           strcpy(hv0, "32\t 0\t 0\t 0\t 0\t 0\n");
           write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
           strcpy(hv0, "0\t 0\t 0\t 0\t 0\n");
           write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
           sprintf(hv0, "0\t %d\t 0\t 0\t 0\t 0\n", (int)alap->total_distance);
           write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
           strcpy(hv0, "0\t 0\t 0\t 0\t 0\t 0\n");
           write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

        strcpy(hv0, "\n[IntNotes]\n\n[ExtraData]\n\n");
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

        strcpy(hv0, "[Summary-123]\n");
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));   // Time limits 1
        smp = max_time - secBeyond - secRange1 - secRange2 - secRange3 - secAbove;
        sprintf(hv0, "%u\t %u\t %u\t %u\t %u\n",
                max_time, secRange1, secRange2 + secRange3,
                secAbove + secBeyond, smp);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));   // limits 1
        sprintf(hv0, "%d\t %d\t %d\t %d\n",
                MaxHr, upper1, lower1, restHr);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));   // Time limits 1
        sprintf(hv0, "%u\t %u\t %u\t %u\t %u\n",
                max_time, secRange2, secRange1 + secRange3,
                secAbove + secBeyond, smp);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));   // limits 2
        sprintf(hv0, "%d\t %d\t %d\t %d\n",
                MaxHr, upper2, lower2, restHr);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));   // Time limits 2
        sprintf(hv0, "%u\t %u\t %u\t %u\t %u\n",
                max_time, secRange3, secRange1 + secRange2,
                secAbove + secBeyond, smp);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));   // limits 3
        sprintf(hv0, "%d\t %d\t %d\t %d\n",
                MaxHr, upper3, lower3, restHr);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));   // Time limits 3
        samples = max_time / samsec;
        sprintf(hv0, "0\t %u\n\n", samples);    // samples
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

        strcpy(hv0, "[Summary-TH]\n");
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        sprintf(hv0, "%u\t 0\t %u\t %d\t %d\t 0\n", max_time, max_time - max_hr - restHr, max_hr, restHr);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        sprintf(hv0, "%d\t %d\t %d\t %d\n", MaxHr, upper3, lower1, restHr);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
        sprintf(hv0, "0\t %u\n\n", samples);    // samples
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

        sprintf(hv0, "[HRZones]\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n\n",
                MaxHr, upper3, upper2, upper1, lower1, restHr);
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

        strcpy(hv0, "[HRData]\n");
        write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

        smp = 0;                // average heart rate of 15 seconds
        seconds = 0;
        anz = 0;
        nsec = samsec;
        oldqt = garmin_dtime(lap->start_time);
        qt = 0;
        point = ds.getPoint(lap->start_time);

        while (point)
           if (seconds >= nsec)
              if (anz > 0)
                 sprintf(hv0, "%d\n", smp / anz);
                 write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));

              if (smp > 0 && seconds >= (nsec + samsec))
                 if (anz <= 0)
                    anz = 0;

                 for (int x = nsec; x < seconds; x += samsec)
                    sprintf(hv0, "%d\n", smp / anz);
                    write(fdfile.handle(), &hv0[0], strlen(hv0));
                    nsec += samsec;
              anz = 0;
              smp = 0;
              nsec += samsec;

           qt = garmin_dtime (point->time);
           seconds += oldqt->secsTo(*qt);

           if (point->heart_rate > 0)
              smp += point->heart_rate;

           delete oldqt;
           oldqt = qt;
           point = ds.getPoint(point->time + 1);

        KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("File successfully written."));

void sportwatcherWidget::extrasSettings()
settingsWidget *dlg = new settingsWidget(this, "settingsWidgetBase", TRUE, 0);

        if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
           KSimpleConfig *cfg = new KSimpleConfig(QString("sportwatcher.rc"), true);
           lower1 = cfg->readNumEntry("lower1");
           lower2 = cfg->readNumEntry("lower2");
           lower3 = cfg->readNumEntry("lower3");
           upper1 = cfg->readNumEntry("upper1");
           upper2 = cfg->readNumEntry("upper2");
           upper3 = cfg->readNumEntry("upper3");
           MaxHr = cfg->readNumEntry("maxHr");
           restHr = cfg->readNumEntry("restHr");
           vo2max = cfg->readNumEntry("vo2max");
           weight = cfg->readNumEntry("weight");
           sampleTime = cfg->readNumEntry("seconds");
           Device = cfg->readEntry("Device");
           Data = cfg->readEntry("Data");
           HRM = cfg->readEntry("HRM");
           delete cfg;

        delete dlg;

 * Functions to fill in the boxes of the main mask.
void sportwatcherWidget::showLaps()
QString qs_name, qs_distance, qs_etime, qs_avgpace, qs_avgspeed, qs_maxspeed;
QString qs_calories, qs_avghr, qs_maxhr, qs_avgcadence, qs_ascent, qs_descent;
QDateTime dt;
QTime t, st;
QDateTime *qt;
LAP *lap;
POINT *point;
RUN_NODE *rakt, *rn;
int laps, i, anz, men;
double alt_asc, alt_dsc;

        if (!gmn)
           KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("No data were loaded!"));

        if (gmn->type == data_Dnil)
           KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("No data found!"));

        if (gmn->type != data_Dlist)     /* List of data */
           KMessageBox::error(0, QString("Found unexpected data type %1!").arg(gmn->type));

        min_hr = max_hr = 0;
        min_height = max_height = 0.0;
        rn = ds.getRunNode();
        rakt = rn;
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(2, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(3, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(4, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(5, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(6, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(7, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(8, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(9, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(10, Qt::AlignRight);
        liLaps->setColumnAlignment(11, Qt::AlignRight);

        qs_name = qs_distance = qs_etime = qs_avgpace = qs_avgspeed = qs_maxspeed = QString("");
        qs_calories = qs_avghr = qs_maxhr = qs_avgcadence = qs_ascent = qs_descent = QString("");
        men = 0;

        while (rakt)
           if (rakt->run->type == data_D1000 || rakt->run->type == data_D1009 ||
                rakt->run->type == data_D1010)
           int lt, cal, ahr, mhr;
           double distance, speed, mspeed;
           QDate dat;

              switch (rakt->run->sport_type)
                 case D1000_running: qs_name = QString("Running: "); break;
                 case D1000_biking:  qs_name = QString("Biking: "); break;
                 case D1000_other:   qs_name = QString("Other: "); break;
                    qs_name = QString("Unknown: ");

              lap = ds.getLap(rakt->run->first_lap_index);
              qt = garmin_dtime (lap->start_time);
              StartTime = *qt;
              st = qt->time();
              dat = qt->date();
              delete qt;
              lap = ds.getLap(rakt->run->last_lap_index);
              qt = garmin_dtime (lap->start_time);
              t = qt->addSecs(lap->total_time / 100).time();
              lt = st.secsTo(t);
              t.setHMS(0, 0, 0);
              t = t.addSecs(lt);
              qs_name.append(" ");
              max_time = lt;
              qs_etime = QString(qt->toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz"));

              distance = 0.0;
              cal = 0;
              mspeed = 0;
              ahr = mhr = 0;
              anz = 0;

              for (i = rakt->run->first_lap_index; (unsigned int)i <= rakt->run->last_lap_index; i++)
                 if ((lap = ds.getLap(i)) == NULL)

                 distance += lap->total_distance;
                 cal += lap->calories;
                 ahr += lap->avg_heart_rate;

                 if (lap->max_speed > mspeed)
                    mspeed = lap->max_speed;

                 if (lap->max_heart_rate > mhr)
                    mhr = lap->max_heart_rate;

              qs_distance.sprintf("%.2f m", distance);

              if (distance > 0)
                 QTime tt = qt->time();
                 long secs = (double)(tt.hour() * 3600 + tt.minute() * 60 + tt.second()) / 100.0 * (1000.0 / distance * 100.0);
                 int h = secs / 3600;
                 int m = (secs - (h * 3600)) / 60;
                 int s = secs - ((h * 3600) + (m * 60));
                 t = QTime(h, m, s, 0);
                 qs_avgpace = t.toString("  hh:mm:ss");
                 qs_avgpace.append(QString(" /km"));

              speed = distance / lt * 3.6;
              qs_avgspeed.sprintf("%.2f km/h", speed);
              qs_maxspeed.sprintf("%.2f km/h", mspeed * 3.6);
              qs_calories.sprintf("%d", cal);
              qs_avghr.sprintf("%d bpm", ahr / anz);
              qs_maxhr.sprintf("%d bpm", mhr);

              QListViewItem *element = new QListViewItem(liLaps, qs_name, qs_distance,
                qs_etime, qs_avgpace, qs_avgspeed, qs_maxspeed, qs_calories, qs_avghr);
              element->setText(8, qs_maxhr);
              element->setText(9, qs_avgcadence);
              element->setText(10, qs_ascent);
              element->setText(11, qs_descent);
              element->sortChildItems(0, false);
              delete qt;
              /* Get the laps. */
              laps = 1;

              for (i = rakt->run->first_lap_index; (unsigned int)i <= rakt->run->last_lap_index; i++)
                 if ((lap = ds.getLap(i)) == NULL)

                 qt = garmin_dtime (lap->start_time);
                 qs_name.sprintf("Lap %03d - ", laps);
                 qs_distance.sprintf("%.2f m", lap->total_distance);
                 t = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0);
                 t = t.addMSecs(lap->total_time * 10);
                 qs_etime = t.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz");
                 qs_avgspeed.sprintf("%.2f km/h", lap->total_distance / (lap->total_time / 100.0) * 3.6);
                 qs_maxspeed.sprintf("%.2f km/h", lap->max_speed * 3.6);
                 qs_calories.sprintf("%d", lap->calories);

                 if (lap->total_distance > 0 && lap->total_time != 0)
                    long secs = (double)lap->total_time / 10000.0 * (1000.0 / lap->total_distance * 100.0);
                    int h = secs / 3600;
                    int m = (secs - (h * 3600)) / 60;
                    int s = secs - ((h * 3600) + (m * 60));
                    t = QTime(h, m, s, 0);
                    qs_avgpace = t.toString("hh:mm:ss");
                    qs_avgpace.append(QString(" /km"));

                 qs_avghr.sprintf("%d bpm", lap->avg_heart_rate);
                 qs_maxhr.sprintf("%d bpm", lap->max_heart_rate);

                 anz = 0;
                 alt_asc = alt_dsc = 0;

                 if ((point = ds.getPoint(lap->start_time)) != 0)
                    if (point->alt < 20000)
                       alt_dsc = alt_asc = point->alt;
                       alt_dsc = alt_asc = 0;

                    while (point)
                       if (point->time > (lap->start_time + (lap->total_time / 100)))

                       if (point->alt > alt_asc && point->alt < 20000)
                          alt_asc = point->alt;

                          if (alt_dsc == 0)
                             alt_dsc = point->alt;

                       if (point->alt < alt_dsc)
                          alt_dsc = point->alt;

                       // save the min and max values. We need this information to
                       // build the graphics.
                       if (point->heart_rate > max_hr)
                          max_hr = point->heart_rate;

                       if ((min_hr == 0 && point->heart_rate > 0) || (point->heart_rate > 0 && point->heart_rate < min_hr))
                          min_hr = point->heart_rate;

                       if (point->alt < 20000 && max_height < point->alt)
                          max_height = point->alt;

                       if (point->alt < 20000 && (min_height == 0.0 || min_height > point->alt))
                          min_height = point->alt;

                       if (point->heart_rate > 0)
                          avg_hr += point->heart_rate;

                       point = ds.getPoint(point->time + 1);

                    qs_ascent.sprintf("%.2f m", alt_asc);
                    qs_descent.sprintf("%.2f m", alt_dsc);

                 if (lap->avg_cadence != 0xff)
                    qs_avgcadence.sprintf("%d", lap->avg_cadence);

                 QListViewItem *edetail = new QListViewItem(element, qs_name, qs_distance,
                        qs_etime, qs_avgpace, qs_avgspeed, qs_maxspeed, qs_calories, qs_avghr);
                 edetail->setText(8, qs_maxhr);
                 edetail->setText(9, qs_avgcadence);
                 edetail->setText(10, qs_ascent);
                 edetail->setText(11, qs_descent);
                 delete qt;

           rakt = rakt->next;

        if (men > 0)
           avg_hr /= men;

void sportwatcherWidget::showCurves()
QPainter paint;
int width, height;
int i;
int lineHeight, margin_left, margin_right, margin_bottom;
int x1, y1, x2, y2;             // Coordinates
bool meter;
double maxHeight, minHeight;
int maxHr, minHr, rh;
POINT *point;
double w_tick, h_tick;          // Number of pixels one "tick" has;
                                // This depends on the width and height
                                // of the image.
        // First we draw a grid based on the min and max
        // values detected in the function showLap(). In case
        // all values are 0, we exit here.
        if (min_hr == 0 && max_hr == 0 && min_height == 0.0 && max_height == 0.0)

        width = imgProfile->width() - 4;
        height = imgProfile->height() - 4;
        pmProfile.resize(width + 2, height + 4);

        // we need a somewhat bigger area to draw our curves than
        // we have with the real min and max values.
        if (max_height > 0.0)
        double add = (max_height - min_height) / 100.0 * 5.0;   // Perzent

           maxHeight = max_height + add;
           minHeight = min_height - add;

           if (minHeight < 0.0)         // make sure, we are not too deep
              minHeight = 0.0;

        if (max_hr > 0)
           maxHr = max_hr + 10;
           minHr = min_hr - 10;

           if (minHr < 0)
              minHr = 0;

        // Define colors
        QColor background(220, 220, 220);
        QColor mark(255, 255, 255);
        QColor frame(0, 0, 0);
        QColor barcol(151, 190, 13);
        QColor barcol2(190, 151, 13);
        QColor red(220, 128, 128);
        QColor blue(0, 0, 240);
        QFont fntNormal("Helvetica");
//      QFont fntBold("Helvetica", 10, QFont::Bold);
//      fntBold.setPixelSize(10);
//      fntBold.setStyleHint(QFont::Helvetica);
        // Calculate ticks
        margin_left = 52;
        margin_right = 40;
        margin_bottom = 12;
        lineHeight = 10;
        rh = height - margin_bottom - 1;

        w_tick = (double)(width - (margin_left + margin_right)) / max_time;     // 1 tick = 1 second

        if ((maxHeight - minHeight) > (double)(maxHr - minHr))
           h_tick = (double)rh / (maxHeight - minHeight);               // 1 tick = 1 meter
           meter = true;
           h_tick = (double)rh / ((double)maxHr - (double)minHr);       // 1 tick = 1 bpm
           meter = false;
        // Fill background with background colors
        paint.fillRect(0, 0, width + 4, height + 4, background);
        // Draw a grid with markers at every 10 minutes
        paint.setPen(QPen(frame, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
        // Bottom border line
        x1 = margin_left;
        y1 = height - margin_bottom;
        x2 = width - margin_right;
        y2 = y1;
        paint.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        // Left border line
        x1 = x2 = margin_left;
        y1 = 2;
        y2 = height - margin_bottom;
        paint.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        // right border line
        x1 = x2 = width - margin_right;
        paint.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        // Grid vertical
        paint.setPen(QPen(frame, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
        paint.drawText(margin_left - 20, height - lineHeight, 40, lineHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, QString("00:00"));;
        paint.setPen(QPen(barcol, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
        paint.drawText((height + 4) * -1, 3, height - 2, lineHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, i18n("Elevation (m)"));
        paint.setPen(QPen(blue, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
        paint.drawText((height + 4) * -1, width - 1 - lineHeight, height - 2, lineHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, i18n("Heart Rate (bpm)"));
        paint.setPen(QPen(mark, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
        // Draw the time scale
        for (i = 0; (unsigned int)i < max_time; i++)
           if (i > 0 && !(i % 600))     // every 10 minutes
              x1 = x2 = margin_left + w_tick * i;

              if (x1 == (width - margin_right))

              y1 = 2;
              y2 = height - margin_bottom;
              paint.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
              QTime tm(0, 0, 0);
              tm = tm.addSecs(i);
              paint.setPen(QPen(frame, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
              paint.drawText(x1 - 25, height - lineHeight, 50, lineHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, tm.toString((i >= 3600) ? "hh:mm:ss" : "mm:ss"));
              paint.setPen(QPen(mark, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
        QTime tm(0, 0, 0);
        QString qs;
        tm = tm.addSecs(max_time);
        paint.setPen(QPen(frame, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
        paint.drawText(width - margin_right - 25, height - lineHeight, 50, lineHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, tm.toString((max_time >= 3600) ? "hh:mm:ss" : "mm:ss"));

        if (max_height > 0.0)
           paint.setPen(QPen(barcol, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
           paint.drawText(12, height - margin_bottom - lineHeight / 2, margin_left - 14, lineHeight, Qt::AlignRight, qs.sprintf("%.0f", minHeight));
        if (max_hr > 0)
           paint.setPen(QPen(blue, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
           paint.drawText(width - margin_right + 2, height - margin_bottom - lineHeight / 2, margin_right - 14, lineHeight, Qt::AlignLeft, qs.sprintf("%d", minHr));

        paint.setPen(QPen(mark, 1, QPen::SolidLine));

        // Grid horizontal
        int factor = (meter) ? (maxHeight - minHeight) / (rh / 12) : (maxHr - minHr) / (rh / 12);
        int target = (meter) ? (int)(maxHeight - minHeight) : (maxHr - minHr);
        int oldy = height;

        for (i = 0; i < target; i++)
           if (i > 0 && !(i % factor))
              x1 = margin_left + 1;
              x2 = width - margin_right - 1;
              y1 = y2 = rh - h_tick * i;

              if (y1 < 12)

              paint.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

              if (y1 < (oldy - lineHeight))
                 if (meter)
                    paint.setPen(QPen(barcol, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
                    paint.drawText(12, y1 - lineHeight / 2, margin_left - 14, lineHeight, Qt::AlignRight, qs.sprintf("%.0f", minHeight + i));

                    if (maxHr > 0)
                       double hrscale = (double)(maxHr - minHr) / (double)target;
                       paint.setPen(QPen(blue, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
                       paint.drawText(width - margin_right + 2, y1 - lineHeight / 2, margin_right - 14, lineHeight, Qt::AlignLeft, qs.sprintf("%d", (int)((double)minHr + hrscale * (double)i)));
                    paint.setPen(QPen(blue, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
                    paint.drawText(width - margin_right + 2, y1 - lineHeight / 2, margin_right - 14, lineHeight, Qt::AlignLeft, qs.sprintf("%d", minHr + i));

                    if (max_height > 0)
                       double hrscale = (maxHeight - minHeight) / (double)target;
                       paint.setPen(QPen(barcol, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
                       paint.drawText(12, y1 - lineHeight / 2, margin_left - 14, lineHeight, Qt::AlignRight, qs.sprintf("%.0f", minHeight + hrscale * (double)i));

                 paint.setPen(QPen(mark, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
                 oldy = y1;

        // To make out graphics mor beautiful, we draw lines for the
        // heart rate limits and the average heart rate.
        if (max_hr > 0)
        int ay1, ay2, ay3, ay4, ay5;

           x1 = margin_left + 1;
           x2 = width - margin_right - 1;

           if (meter)
              double hrscale = rh / (double)(maxHr - minHr);
              ay1 = (double)rh - (double)(lower1 - minHr) * hrscale;
              ay2 = (double)rh - (double)(lower2 - minHr) * hrscale;
              ay3 = (double)rh - (double)(lower3 - minHr) * hrscale;
              ay4 = (double)rh - (double)(upper3 - minHr) * hrscale;
              ay5 = (double)rh - (double)(avg_hr - minHr) * hrscale;
              ay1 = (double)rh - (double)(lower1 - minHr) * h_tick;
              ay2 = (double)rh - (double)(lower2 - minHr) * h_tick;
              ay3 = (double)rh - (double)(lower3 - minHr) * h_tick;
              ay4 = (double)rh - (double)(upper3 - minHr) * h_tick;
              ay5 = (double)rh - (double)(avg_hr - minHr) * h_tick;

           paint.setPen(QPen(barcol2, 1, QPen::DashLine));      // color for limits

           if (lower1 > minHr && lower1 < maxHr)
              paint.drawLine(x1, ay1, x2, ay1);

           if (lower2 > minHr && lower2 < maxHr)
              paint.drawLine(x1, ay2, x2, ay2);

           if (lower3 > minHr && lower3 < maxHr)
              paint.drawLine(x1, ay3, x2, ay3);

           if (upper3 > minHr && upper3 < maxHr)
              paint.drawLine(x1, ay4, x2, ay4);

           paint.setPen(QPen(red, 1, QPen::DashDotLine));       // color for average heart rate

           if (avg_hr > minHr && avg_hr < maxHr)
              paint.drawLine(x1, ay5, x2, ay5);

        // Now we have a grid and we've done the scaling.
        // This is the point where we draw the curves itself.
        // We use different colors to draw the lines.
        i = 0;
        x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = 0;
        QDateTime *qt;
        QTime zeit = StartTime.time();
        int secs, hy1, hy2, hx1, hx2;
        hy1 = hy2 = hx1 = hx2 = 0;

        while ((point = ds.getPoint(i)) != 0)
           // calculate the y position based on the time
           qt = garmin_dtime(point->time);
           secs = zeit.secsTo(qt->time());
           delete qt;
           x2 = secs * w_tick + margin_left + 1;
           hx2 = x2;

           if (x1 == 0)
              x1 = x2;

           if (hx1 == 0)
              hx1 = hx2;

           if (point->alt < 20000 && point->alt > 0.0)
              if (meter)
                 y2 = (double)rh - (point->alt - minHeight) * h_tick;
                 double hrscale = rh / (maxHeight - minHeight);
                 y2 = (double)rh - (point->alt - minHeight) * hrscale;

              if (y1 == 0)
                 y1 = y2;

              paint.setPen(QPen(barcol, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
              paint.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
              y1 = y2;
              x1 = x2;

           if (point->heart_rate > 0)
              if (meter)
                 double hrscale = rh / (double)(maxHr - minHr);
                 hy2 = (double)rh - (double)(point->heart_rate - minHr) * hrscale;
                 hy2 = (double)rh - (double)(point->heart_rate - minHr) * h_tick;

              if (hy1 == 0)
                 hy1 = hy2;

              paint.setPen(QPen(blue, 1, QPen::SolidLine));
              paint.drawLine(hx1, hy1, hx2, hy2);
              hy1 = hy2;
              hx1 = hx2;



//      if (bProfile)
//         bitBlt(imgProfile, 0, 0, &pmProfile);

void sportwatcherWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent */* *e */)

void sportwatcherWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent */* *e */)

 * Private functions to help decode the data
QDateTime *sportwatcherWidget::garmin_dtime (uint32 t)
time_t     tval;
struct tm  tmval;
QTime ti;
QDate dt;
QDateTime *qt;

        if (t == 0)
           return new QDateTime(QDate(1900, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0, 0, 0));

        tval = t + TIME_OFFSET;
        localtime_r (&tval, &tmval);
        qt = new QDateTime();
        qt->setDate(QDate(tmval.tm_year+1900, tmval.tm_mon+1, tmval.tm_mday));
        qt->setTime(QTime(tmval.tm_hour, tmval.tm_min, tmval.tm_sec, 0));
        /* OK.  Done. */
        return qt;

#include "sportwatcherwidget.moc"