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// C++ Interface: SRender
// Description: This defines the class for SRender.
// Author: Andreas Theofilu <>, (C) 2009
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#ifndef _RENDER_H
#define _RENDER_H

#include "config.h"

// Everything here is only available, if Mapnik is available!
#if defined HAVE_MAPNIK

#include <mapnik/map.hpp>
#include <mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp>
#include <mapnik/font_engine_freetype.hpp>
#include <mapnik/agg_renderer.hpp>
#include <mapnik/filter_factory.hpp>
#include <mapnik/color_factory.hpp>
#include <mapnik/image_util.hpp>
#include <mapnik/config_error.hpp>
#include <mapnik/load_map.hpp>
#include <mapnik/save_map.hpp>
#include <mapnik/version.hpp>

/* conversions */

#define DEGREES      180.0
#define SEMICIRCLES  0x80000000

#define SEMI2DEG(a)  (double)(a) * DEGREES / SEMICIRCLES
#define DEG2SEMI(a)  rint((double)(a) * SEMICIRCLES / DEGREES)

#define DEG2RAD(a)   (a) * M_PI / DEGREES
#define RAD2DEG(a)   (a) * DEGREES / M_PI

typedef enum {
        type_png        = 150,
        type_gif        = 151,
        type_jpg        = 152,
        type_xpm        = 153,
        type_tif        = 154,
        type_bmp        = 155

typedef struct LINESYMBOLIZER
        unsigned  stroke;               // Color
        double    stroke_width;
        QString   stroke_linejoin;
        QString   stroke_linecap;
        double    stroke_dasharray[10];
        int       stroke_anz;           // number of entries in dasharray
        double    stroke_opacity;
        LINESYMBOLIZER *next;

        unsigned  fill;                 // Color
        double    fill_opacity;

typedef struct TEXTSYMBOLIZER
        QString   name;
        QString   face_name;
        QString   placement;
        QString   alignment;
        double    size;
        unsigned  fill;                 // Color
        double    halo_radius;
        double    wrap_width;
        double    dx;
        double    dy;
        double    mindistance;          // min distance between labels
        double    maxdistance;          // not used!
        TEXTSYMBOLIZER *next;

typedef struct POINTSYMBOLIZER
        QString   file;
        TYPES     type;         // enum TYPES
        double    width;
        double    height;
        bool      allow_overlap;
        POINTSYMBOLIZER *next;

        QString   file;
        TYPES     type;         // enum TYPES
        double    width;
        double    height;
        bool      allow_overlap;

        QString   name;
        QString   face_name;
        double    size;
        unsigned  fill;         // Color
        QString   placement;
        QString   file;
        TYPES     type;         // enum TYPES
        double    width;
        double    height;
        double    dx;
        double    dy;
        double    mindistance;  // min distance to next shield symbol
        double    maxdistance;  // not used!

        QString   file;
        TYPES     type;         // enum TYPES
        double    width;
        double    height;

typedef struct RULE
        QString   name;
        QString   title;
        double    maxscale;
        double    minscale;
        QString   filter;
        bool      elsefilter;
        LINESYMBOLIZER           *LineSymbolizer;
        POLYGONSYMBOLIZER        *PolygonSymbolizer;
        TEXTSYMBOLIZER           *TextSymbolizer;
        POINTSYMBOLIZER          *PointSymbolizer;
        POLYGONPATTERNSYMBOLIZER *PolygonPatternSymbolizer;
        SHIELDSYMBOLIZER         *ShieldSymbolizer;
        LINEPATTERNSYMBOLIZER    *LinePatternSymbolizer;
//      mapnik::rule_type rl;           // the rule to be added to a style
        mapnik::rule rl;                // the rule to be added to a style
        RULE *next;             // Pointer to next rule

typedef struct STYLE
        QString  name;
        RULE     *rule;         // Pointer to first rule node of the chain
        STYLE    *next;         // Pointer to next style

typedef struct
        QString   type;
        QString   file;
        QString   parser;
        QString   url;
        QString   bbox;
        QString   host;
        QString   user;
        QString   dbname;
        QString   table;
        bool      estimate_extent;
        double    ext_lx;
        double    ext_ly;
        double    ext_rx;
        double    ext_ry;

typedef struct LAYER
        QString    name;        // The unique name
        QString    title;       // The title of the layer (optional)
        QString    abstract;    // Some short description (optional)
        bool       status;      // Is it active?
        bool       clear_label; // Clear label cache?
        QString    srs;         // Projection
        double     minzoom;
        double     maxzoom;
        bool       queryable;
        QStringList Styles;     // The names of the Styles
        DATASOURCE Datasource;
        LAYER      *next;       // Pointer to next layer

typedef struct
        unsigned   bgcolor;     // Color
        int        buf_size;
        QString    srs;

typedef enum {
        empty            = 0,
        stroke_stroke    = 100,
        stroke_width     = 101,
        stroke_linejoin  = 102,
        stroke_linecap   = 103,
        stroke_opacity   = 104,
        stroke_dasharray = 105,
        fill             = 106,
        fill_opacity     = 107,
        type             = 108,
        file             = 109,
        host             = 110,
        user             = 111,
        dbname           = 112,
        table            = 113,
        estimate_extent  = 114,
        extent           = 115,
        parser__         = 116,
        url              = 117,
        bbox             = 118

typedef enum {
        in_root                 = 0,
        in_map                  = 100,
        in_style                = 101,
        in_rule                 = 102,
        in_linesymbolizer       = 103,
        in_pointsymbolizer      = 104,
        in_polygonsymbolizer    = 105,
        in_textsymbolizer       = 106,
        in_polygonpatternsymbolizer = 107,
        in_layer                = 108,
        in_datasource           = 109,
        in_symbolizer           = 110,
        in_shieldsymbolizer     = 111,
        in_linepatternsymbolizer = 112,
        in_elsefilter           = 113

typedef struct
        int id;
        CONTAINER con;
        QString name;

using namespace mapnik;

class SRender : public QXmlDefaultHandler
           enum map_type


           void setDrawArea(int, int);
           QPixmap pixmap() { return pxmap; };
           void setShapePath(const QString &str) { if (str.isNull()) return; shapePath = str; };
           void setXmlPath(const QString &path) { if (path.isNull()) return; XmlPath = path; };
           bool getMap(double lx, double ly, double rx, double ry);
           inline void setMapType(map_type mt) { __map_type = mt; }
           inline map_type getMapType() { return __map_type; }

           // Functions to parse the XML file
           bool startDocument ();
           bool startElement (const QString&, const QString&, const QString& , const QXmlAttributes&);
           bool endElement (const QString&, const QString&, const QString&);
           bool characters (const QString&);

           void setMaxExtent(double lx, double ly, double rx, double ry);
           QString findIcon(QString ic);

           QString getKey (int pos);
           TYPES getType(QString ty);
           char *getTypeText(TYPES type);
           bool getBool(QString b);
           unsigned colorToUInt(QString col);
           color setColor(unsigned);
           STYLE *findStyle(QString name);
           RULE *getLastRule(RULE *first);
           POINTSYMBOLIZER *getLastPointSymbolizer(POINTSYMBOLIZER *first);
           LINESYMBOLIZER *getLastLineSymbolizer(LINESYMBOLIZER *first);
           POLYGONSYMBOLIZER *getLastPolygonSymbolizer(POLYGONSYMBOLIZER *first);
           TEXTSYMBOLIZER *getLastTextSymbolizer(TEXTSYMBOLIZER *first);
           SHIELDSYMBOLIZER *getLastShieldSymbolizer(SHIELDSYMBOLIZER *first);
           LINEPATTERNSYMBOLIZER *getLastLinePatternSymbolizer(LINEPATTERNSYMBOLIZER *first);

           STYLE *allocStyle();
           RULE *allocRule();
           LAYER *allocLayer();
           POINTSYMBOLIZER *allocPointSymbolizer();
           LINESYMBOLIZER *allocLineSymbolizer();
           POLYGONSYMBOLIZER *allocPolygonSymbolizer();
           TEXTSYMBOLIZER *allocTextSymbolizer();
           POLYGONPATTERNSYMBOLIZER *allocPolygonPatternSymbolizer();
           SHIELDSYMBOLIZER *allocShieldSymbolizer();
           LINEPATTERNSYMBOLIZER *allocLinePatternSymbolizer();

           QPixmap pxmap;
           QString shapePath;
           QString pluginPath;
           QString fontPath;
           QString XmlPath;
           bool geographic;
           map_type __map_type;
           int _width, _height;
           CONTAINER Container;
           bool ControlSet;
           int Field;
           int XmlLine; // Line number of the current position in XML file
           double _lx, _ly, _rx, _ry;
           TYPES Types;
           NAMES Names;
           MAP MapPars;
           Map m;
           LAYER *Lay, *firstLayer, *lastLayer;
           STYLE *Style, *firstStyle, *lastStyle;
           RULE *Rule;
           LINESYMBOLIZER               *LineSymbolizer;
           POLYGONSYMBOLIZER            *PolygonSymbolizer;
           TEXTSYMBOLIZER               *TextSymbolizer;
           POINTSYMBOLIZER              *PointSymbolizer;
           POLYGONPATTERNSYMBOLIZER     *PolygonPatternSymbolizer;
           SHIELDSYMBOLIZER             *ShieldSymbolizer;
           LINEPATTERNSYMBOLIZER        *LinePatternSymbolizer;

#endif // HAVE_MAPNIK
#endif // _RENDER_H