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-- Datum von: ???, Bis: ???
-- Mitarbeiter: Theofilu Andreas (1)
select ta_name, sum(al_hours), ta_num, ta_start, ta_duration, ta_hash
from task right join plan on pl_num = ta_plnum and pl_status in (2,3,4,5) and
     pl_prnum = 90001
     left join allocation on al_task = ta_num and al_ressource = 1
   where ta_num in (
        select ta_num from task where
        ta_meeting = 0 and ta_level > 1 and
        (ta_start between 1145491200 and 1146009600 or
        ta_start+ta_duration*86400 between 1138752000 and 1146355200 or
        1145491200 between ta_start and ta_start+ta_duration*86400 or
        1146009600 between ta_start and ta_start+ta_duration*86400
        or ta_num in (
                select distinct wd_task from wdone where
                wd_minum = 1 and wd_prnum = 90001 and
                wd_datum between 1145491200 and 1146009600
                order by wd_task desc)
        ) order by pl_num desc)
group by ta_num, ta_hash, ta_start, ta_duration, ta_name order by ta_num desc;

-- Alle Tasks die bebuchbar sind bzw. auf denen IST-Buchungen vorhanden sind
select distinct on(ta_num) ta_name, ta_num, ta_start, ta_duration, ta_hash
from task, allocation
        where al_task = ta_num and al_ressource = 1 and
                ta_meeting = 0 and ta_level > 1 and
                (ta_plnum = 66 or ta_plnum in (
                select distinct pl_num from wdone, plan, task where 
                ta_num = wd_task and pl_num = ta_plnum and
                wd_prnum = 90001 and wd_minum = 1 and
                wd_datum between 1145491200 and 1146009600 and
                pl_status in (2,3,4,5) order by pl_num desc)) and
        (ta_start between 1145491200 and 1146009600 or
        ta_start+ta_duration*86400 between 1145491200 and 1146009600 or
        1145491200 between ta_start and ta_start+ta_duration*86400 or
        1146009600 between ta_start and ta_start+ta_duration*86400)
order by ta_num desc;

select * from temptask order by tmp_num;
drop table temptask;

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