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                Copyright (C) 2003-2004 MJG/
                See file LICENSE for licensing details.
                See file VERSION for versioning/author/source details
                See file CHANGELOG for changes from version to version

        /*      Configuration Notes
                - Comments leading with a '(*)' are for internal use only.
                  Do not change.

        // Before we do anything, set what errors to report
        error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

        // Init var/arrays
        $CONF                   = array();              // (*) Hold configuration info
        $E                      = array();              // (*) Hold error info
        $TODAY                  = array();              // (*) Hold today's events data
        $EVENT                  = array();              // (*) Hold event data

        // Setup $CONF
        //      + Appt! specific
        $CONF['__version']      = "1.35";               // (*) Appt! version
        //      + Database
        $CONF['dbConn']         = "";                   // (*) Database connection resource
        $CONF['dbDB']           = "";           // Database name
        $CONF['dbHost']         = "localhost";          // Database host
        $CONF['dbUser']         = "";           // Database user
        $CONF['dbPass']         = "";           // Database user's password
        $CONF['tbl_cal']        = "calendar";   // Table for events
        //      + Paths, URLs, files
        $CONF['path_base']      = "/home/andreas/public_html/pm";       // Absolute path to base directory
        $CONF['path_site']      = $CONF['path_base'] . "/site";                 // Absolute path to /site directory
        $CONF['path_include']   = $CONF['path_site'] . "/include";              // Absolute path to /site/include directory
        $CONF['path_lib']       = $CONF['path_site'] . "/lib";                  // Absolute path to /site/lib directory
//      $CONF['url_base']       = "";            // Absolute URL to Appt!'s location
        $CONF['url_base']       = ".";          // Absolute URL to Appt!'s location
        $CONF['url_site']       = $CONF['url_base'] . "/site";                  // Absolute or relative URL to /site directory
        $CONF['url_images']     = $CONF['url_site'] . "/images";                // Absolute or relative url to /site/images directory
        $CONF['url_include']    = $CONF['url_site'] . "/include";               // Absolute or relative url to /site/include directory
        $CONF['url_admin']      = "admin";                                      // Relative url to admin directory
        //      + Schedule Administration
        $CONF['adm_user']               = "admin";                              // Username to allow into Schedule Administration
        $CONF['adm_pass']               = "";                           // Username's password
        $CONF['adm_authed']             = 0;                                    // (*) 0 - not authenticated, 1 - is authenticationed
        $CONF['adm_authed_timeout']     = 900;                                  // Number of seconds until authenticationtimes out

        // Initialization Procedures
        // Put all form input into a single array
        foreach ( $_GET as $k=>$v )
                if ( !empty($v) && !isset($FORM[$k]) ) $FORM[$k] = $v;
//              echo "<!-- $k = $v -->";
        foreach ( $_POST as $k=>$v )
                if ( !empty($v) && !isset($FORM[$k]) ) $FORM[$k] = $v;
//              echo "<!-- $k = $v -->";
        //      + Set year/month/today to defaults if not set
        if ( !isset($FORM['year']) && !isset($FORM['month']) && !isset($FORM['today']) )
                $FORM['year']   = date("Y", time());
                $FORM['month']  = date("n", time());
                $FORM['today']  = date("j", time());

        //      + Setup $year/$month/$today compatibility vars
        $year   = $FORM['year'];
        $month  = $FORM['month'];
        $today  = $FORM['today'];
        $id     = $_REQUEST['id'];
        $header = $_REQUEST['header'];
        $del    = $_REQUEST['del'];
        //      + Date manipulation always done
        $daylong        = date("l",mktime(1,1,1,$month,$today,$year));
        $monthlong      = date("F",mktime(1,1,1,$month,$today,$year));
        $dayone         = date("w",mktime(1,1,1,$month,1,$year));
        $numdays        = date("t",mktime(1,1,1,$month,1,$year));
        $alldays        = array('Son','Mon','Die','Mit','Don','Fre','Sam');
        $next_year      = $year + 1;
        $last_year      = $year - 1;
        if ($today > $numdays) { $today--; }