3.1 Download

Currently SportWatcher is available as source code, and if you have installed Debian Lenny (or testing, what is the same) and if your machine has an Intel processor (or an AMD), you can download a binary package.
In case you've downloaded the source distribution, you first have to compile it with a C++ compiler.
Download the stable code from:

If you like to help develop SportWatcher, or simply want to have the latest, untested code, with all available bells and whistles, then you can get the code out of one of the subversion archives.
The source code in the subversion archives, is for developers and is not tested. There is no garanty, that this code will even compile!

Type on the command line (shell), one of the following command, dependig from what archive you want to download the code:

# svn checkout https://sportwatcher.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sportwatcher
# svn checkout svn://www.theosys.at/sportwatcher/trunk

It is possible to access the Repository, containing the latest code, with your WEB browser too.

3. Installation 3.1.1 Necessary components

© 2006 − 2011 by Andreas Theofilu (theosys)